Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Great Dog Bailout 2009

First, let me say, "the recession sucks!" It isn’t just affecting people – the animals are feeling it too.
As humans lower their spending, they also cut back on charitable contributions. Without the help of private
donations, shelters and rescue organizations are faced with the possibility of having to stop taking in needy
animals because they simply can’t afford one more little mouth to feed.

As a former shelter dog, I don’t like the thought of that! That’s why my friends and I have developed
the Shelter Dog Bailout Plan. Our goal is to sell 1 million tote bags! It sounds like a lot, but that’s only
20,000 per state (there are over 1 million people in my home town of Dallas alone).

We have 3 designs to choose from and 20% of the profits will go directly to animal welfare organizations --
just think how many good things could be done with that money!
Take a minute, check out the website, and help lend a paw to those in need.
Thanks, Bella

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