Sunday, February 01, 2009

A Day with Friends!!!

Today we went to see my friends Lisa, John, Sam, and Lady. I haven't seen Lisa in a long time and I was so excited when mom told me that we were going to her house. I've known Sam since he was a puppy and we used to go to daycare together. Lady is his new little sister and it was the first time I'd met her. I had such a great time!!! We played all afternoon!!! Lady loves to be chased so Sam and I got to run after her all day. That night we ate fried chicken and Frosty Paws... I can't imagine a more perfect day. I can't wait until we get to see each other again!

Lady and Sam
Eating fried chicken with Daddy!!!

Daddy, Lisa, Sam, Lady, and me by the lake near Lisa's house

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We had a GREAT time nd want to do it again!!! Your mom took fantastic pics, too!! Love, Sam, Lady & Buster