Thursday, May 15, 2008

Stop the silly comments!

I'm really getting tired of hearing people tell me that they're not for the new Dallas animal ordinances because they will be "unenforceable". That's just not true! Any law, good or bad, is enforceable. Whether of not the authorities choose to enforce it is another matter.
Right now, though, that shouldn't even be a part of the equation. First, get the ordinances passed - then, work on making sure they are enforced. I think its crazy to just sit back and do nothing just because of something that may, or may not, happen down the road.
That's the problem with people. They want things to get better, but they're not willing to go out and do anything to make themselves heard. Dogs wouldn't do that! We'd take charge of matters and make sure things worked out!
Come on humans - grow a pair and help make things better for us dogs!

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