Thursday, May 29, 2008

Petropolitan Sleep Over

My mom and dad are going to spend the night "away" on Saturday and I just found out that instead of staying home with Rumba I get to go to Petropolitan. I thought I was going to be bored at home with nothing to do (the neighbors were really nice and volunteered to come let me out for breaks, to feed me, etc.) but mom decided I would have more fun and be less worried if I went to spend the night with my friends. I'm super excited!!! I spent the night there when daddy had surgery and it was great. They take really good care of me (even when I'm crabby) and there's a lot stuff to keep me occupied. In case you're worried about Rumba... don't be. She actually doesn't mind spending some time alone. She likes having the house all to herself and as long as there's food in her bowl and Court TV on the television she's perfectly content (she just doesn't know what she's missing...)

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