Thursday, May 29, 2008

Petition Update

We crossed the 500 mark! We're now up to 519!!! Thanks everybody, this is really going to help make a difference!!!

Petropolitan Sleep Over

My mom and dad are going to spend the night "away" on Saturday and I just found out that instead of staying home with Rumba I get to go to Petropolitan. I thought I was going to be bored at home with nothing to do (the neighbors were really nice and volunteered to come let me out for breaks, to feed me, etc.) but mom decided I would have more fun and be less worried if I went to spend the night with my friends. I'm super excited!!! I spent the night there when daddy had surgery and it was great. They take really good care of me (even when I'm crabby) and there's a lot stuff to keep me occupied. In case you're worried about Rumba... don't be. She actually doesn't mind spending some time alone. She likes having the house all to herself and as long as there's food in her bowl and Court TV on the television she's perfectly content (she just doesn't know what she's missing...)

Sam's new hair

Today my friend Sam got his hair cut. He has really thick fur so in the summer his mom gets it cut so he won't be as hot. I think it looks really cute!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Petition Update

Yeah -- we're up to 473 signatures!!!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Memorial Day Swim Time

Today we went over to Grandma's and Grandpa's to have a Memorial Day cookout. The weather was great and the pool was perfect. Not only did I get to swim, I also got to chase a bunch of squirrels and had a very nice time just relaxing in the grass. We had ribs and bar-b-que so needless to say -- the eatin' was good! I sure love my grandparents!

This is me and daddy, waiting in the car for mom so we can hurry up and go!

This is me on my pool float

Me posing by the pool

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I can't wait till tomorrow!

I can't wait for tomorrow!!! Mom has been really busy at work so I haven't gotten to go with her since last Wednesday. I hate staying home all day. Rumba is here, so at least I'm not alone, but she isn't any fun. All she wants to do is sit around in the sun and ignore me. Tomorrow is Thursday, though, and I get to go to Petropolitan for daycare. I LOVE DAYCARE!!! I get to see Sam and all the rest of my friends and it makes the day go by really fast. I can't, I can't wait, I can't wait!!!

Petition Update

Yeah, we've gotten over 300 signatures!!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Craziness at Petropolitan

Mom just told me some weird news about my daycare. Friday night the ceiling in the grooming area fell in. That must have been scary for any of my friends that were spending the night. Nobody was in the grooming area so everyone was totally safe, but I bet it made a lot of noise. I guess their building is a little historic and the ceiling back there just got old and crumbled away. The guys down there are pretty resourceful so I'm sure everything is pretty much back to normal. Hopefully their landlord will get it all fixed in a hurry -- I know a couple of dogs who really need a bath and trim!

My daddy is going to be in a magazine!

I'm really excited! My daddy is going to be in a magazine! Modern Luxury is doing a special "Influential Men of Dallas" issue and there is a page all about him. We saw the final proof and it looks GREAT! As soon as is comes out I'll post it so everyone can see it!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Petition Update

We're up to 273! Keep em' coming!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Stop the silly comments!

I'm really getting tired of hearing people tell me that they're not for the new Dallas animal ordinances because they will be "unenforceable". That's just not true! Any law, good or bad, is enforceable. Whether of not the authorities choose to enforce it is another matter.
Right now, though, that shouldn't even be a part of the equation. First, get the ordinances passed - then, work on making sure they are enforced. I think its crazy to just sit back and do nothing just because of something that may, or may not, happen down the road.
That's the problem with people. They want things to get better, but they're not willing to go out and do anything to make themselves heard. Dogs wouldn't do that! We'd take charge of matters and make sure things worked out!
Come on humans - grow a pair and help make things better for us dogs!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Petition Update

Wow, it's only been a couple of days and we already have 153 signatures. OK, all of you who haven't signed -- go do it NOW!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

Today we went over to grandma and grandpa's for Mother's Day. Grandpa cooked steaks on the grill plus we had baked potatoes, cake and ice cream! The food was great, but the best thing... IT WAS THE FIRST SWIM DAY OF THE YEAR!!!! I've been waiting for this day all winter and I can't believe it's finally here! Man, I love to swim!!! Yeah, swim days!!!

Dallas Animal Ordinances

Today my mom launched her new website, In June, the Dallas City Council will vote on a new set of animal ordinances.

One of the proposals causing the most controversy centers around mandatory spay/neuter legislation (you can read the entire ordinance on the Ordinance Summary page of the website). Even though this plan contains numerous exemptions, it has become the center of a very vigorous debate. Simply stated, the proposal will require owners to spay or neuter their pets (dogs, cats) unless they pay a yearly breeder fee.

Opponents argue that this interferes with their "rights" as pet owners. What they leave out of the discussion is that last year Dallas Animal Services euthanized almost 30,000 animals. The number rises to nearly 200,000 when you look at totals for shelters city wide. 25% of the animals euthanized each year are purebred.

Here's the bottom line: this ordinance is not about "rights", it's about life and death. Every three minutes a dog or cat is killed in Dallas. It is cruel to bring one more litter, even a purebred litter, into the world as long as we are killing so many healthy animals on a daily basis.

If you want to show your support for responsible pet ownership, please go to the website, and sign her petition.

The animals of Dallas thank you!