Sunday, May 17, 2009

Spring at the Park

Today we went to Breckinridge Park. There has been a lot of rain so everything was really green and there were tons of wild flowers. Because of all the rain, the streams were full and I got to do some swimming. Great Day!!!

Walking down the path...

Playing in the stream

Me and Daddy by the water

Crossing the stream

Looking out over the field

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

I love my Grandma and today we went over to celebrate Mother's Day at her house. As usual, she had a special surprise for me... turkey and whipped cream!!!!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Great Dog Bailout 2009

First, let me say, "the recession sucks!" It isn’t just affecting people – the animals are feeling it too.
As humans lower their spending, they also cut back on charitable contributions. Without the help of private
donations, shelters and rescue organizations are faced with the possibility of having to stop taking in needy
animals because they simply can’t afford one more little mouth to feed.

As a former shelter dog, I don’t like the thought of that! That’s why my friends and I have developed
the Shelter Dog Bailout Plan. Our goal is to sell 1 million tote bags! It sounds like a lot, but that’s only
20,000 per state (there are over 1 million people in my home town of Dallas alone).

We have 3 designs to choose from and 20% of the profits will go directly to animal welfare organizations --
just think how many good things could be done with that money!
Take a minute, check out the website, and help lend a paw to those in need.
Thanks, Bella

Sunday, February 01, 2009

A Day with Friends!!!

Today we went to see my friends Lisa, John, Sam, and Lady. I haven't seen Lisa in a long time and I was so excited when mom told me that we were going to her house. I've known Sam since he was a puppy and we used to go to daycare together. Lady is his new little sister and it was the first time I'd met her. I had such a great time!!! We played all afternoon!!! Lady loves to be chased so Sam and I got to run after her all day. That night we ate fried chicken and Frosty Paws... I can't imagine a more perfect day. I can't wait until we get to see each other again!

Lady and Sam
Eating fried chicken with Daddy!!!

Daddy, Lisa, Sam, Lady, and me by the lake near Lisa's house

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Park Day

It was really nice this morning, so mom and I went to Breckinridge park. It was sunny, warm and we even met four labs who played with me in the stream! I love park days!!!

DFW Wildlife Coalition Hotline provides answers to urban wildlife questions and concerns

Even when living in a city, you’re sure to run into non-domestic animals. The DFW Wildlife Coalition offers a hotline and website that can answer questions and provide information on everything from squirrels, rabbits, and skunks to bats, turtles, and coyotes.
Their goal is to help reduce the number of orphaned and euthanized “wild” animals in the Metroplex by providing public assistance and education programs.

Their website offers answers/suggestions to popular topics (ducks in your swimming pool, coyotes in your neighborhood, what to do if you find a baby mammal/bird, etc), and also provides helpful educational videos and resources on dealing with wildlife nuisance problems.

To contact DFW Wildlife Coalition:
Phone: 972.234.WILD (9453)

Monday, January 12, 2009

Hotel for Dogs


WHO: Patrick Crayton, wide receiver for the Dallas Cowboys, to visit the East Lake Pet Orphanage

WHAT: Patrick Crayton Appearance/Excerpt Reading of HOTEL FOR DOGS

Families and kids are invited to stop by the East Lake Pet Orphanage to listen to Patrick Crayton read an excerpt from Simon & Schuster’s HOTEL FOR DOGS book on Tuesday, January 13th from 4:30pm to 5:30pm. Dogs from the East Lake Pet Orphanage (, the Education and Animal Rescue Society ( and the Frisco Humane Society ( will be available for adoption.

The book is based on the family comedy-adventure HOTEL FOR DOGS which opens in theaters across the country on January 16, 2009 and stars Emma Roberts, Jake T. Austin, Lisa Kudrow, Kevin Dillon and Don Cheadle.

WHEN: Tuesday, January 13
4:30pm to 5:30pm

WHERE: East Lake Pet Orphanage
10101 East Northwest Highway Dallas, TX 75238

Friday, January 09, 2009


Today something great happened! We had five puppies in the studio!!! We needed to shoot them for new card, so they were there for several hours. I love puppies so they stayed downstairs with me so I could watch over them! I wish they could have stayed longer -- or better yet, have come home with me. They don't have homes yet, they're living in a foster home. I really hope they find nice parents!