Thursday, July 31, 2008

Parking Lot Rescue

Today my friend Lori rescued a chicken. When she got to work there was a chicken (rooster, actually) in the parking lot by our building. It looked really beat up and we think that someone had probably used it as a fighting rooster -- then just threw it in our dumpster last night when they didn't want it anymore (sometimes humans really suck)!

A nice man came by and together they were trying really hard to get the rooster into a big box so it wouldn't run out into the street and get hit by a car. The rooster, however, didn't want anything to do with either of them or the box. He decided that he just wanted to hide under a big truck. The man had to go to work so my mom went out to help Lori. They got him out from under the truck, but then he ran behind the dumpster.

Lori called Animal Control and they said they'd be over ASAP to help. Fortunately, the rooster felt really safe behind the dumpster and stayed there until Animal Control got there. We know what usually happens when animals get picked by Animal Control -- but we didn't know what else to do. We were getting really sad, but thought a "quick" death would be better than letting him get run over or hurt by a car in the parking lot.

When Animal Control got here they were able to catch the rooster and they said he really didn't look that bad (I was sad to think they'd seen worse). They also said that they work with a bird sanctuary and that they'd call them and they'd come get the rooster. That made us all very happy!!! My friend Lori actually saved a life today!!! Yeah Lori!!!

Unfortunately, he also had a very large raccoon and a big black dog in his truck. We all are just crossing our paws that the raccoon gets to go back to the country and that someone will come and take home the big black dog!!!

Lori feeding the rooster

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