Sunday, December 02, 2007

A Big Thank You to Petropolitan!

I owe Petropolitan a big THANK YOU!!! They really helped us out the day my daddy went to the hospital. They were really busy (the next day was Thanksgiving) but they took me in anyway. It really helped my mom!!! She was very worried about daddy and it made her feel a lot better that she didn't have to worry about me. They're GREAT!!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

My daddy came home today!

They finally let my daddy come home from the hospital today! He's very tired and is hurting a lot, but I think he'll be much happier now that he's home with me and Rumba. Mom was spending the night at the hospital with daddy and we were getting very lonely!!! Now everything is back to normal :)

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

My daddy is in the hospital!

Last weekend daddy went to Chicago and on the way back he got really sick. His stomach was really hurting and he stayed in bed for two days. He tried to go to work yesterday, but as soon as he got there everyone said, "You have to go to the hospital! You look horrible!" He called mom and she rushed over to get him. They went to the emergency room and found out that his appendix had ruptured! He was in a LOT of pain and everyone was very concerned! The doctor took one look at his Cat Scan and scheduled him for immediate surgery.
I was at work, so mom got really worried that she wouldn't be able to come get me. Thankfully I was with my friend Lisa! She's my best friend and she takes really good care of me! She called Petropolitan and they were able to make room for me. She packed up my treats, my bed, and my leash and took me over on her way home.
I'm really lucky to have so many people looking after me!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Mylar Update

We finally found out what happened to Mylar (his name is actually "Simba", but he'll always to "Mylar" to me)!

It turns out that he actually lived two houses down from us. Since his people never put a collar on him we never knew exactly where he came from. Apparently someone didn't like Mylar so they left a nasty note on his front door saying that his people needed to keep him inside or they would call the pound and have him hauled away! I can't believe anyone would do that -- Mylar was the sweetest cat I've ever known!!!

Mylar's family tried to keep him inside, but Mylar wouldn't hear of it. He refused to use the litterbox and would cry all day and night because he liked getting to roam around outside (especially coming to our house for rotisserie chicken). His family decided that the best thing would be for him to go and live with relatives in Oklahoma. They have a bigger house and he's allowed to be outside.

We certainly miss him, but at least we know what happened and we hope he's making lots of new friends. Good Luck Mylar!!!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Last swim day of the year

Today we went to grandma and grandpa's to celebrate Mom's birthday. I was really excited about getting to swim, but the water was pretty chilly. I think this was probably the last swim day of the year... I'm kind of sad, but I guess I'll just have to wait until spring :(
I did get to hang out with Buster, so that made up for my lack of time in the water. Sunbathing with a good friend can be fun too.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Halloween at Petropolitan

Sam and I went to Petropolitan today for a Halloween party. I was a mummy and Sam came dressed in his OU attire. We had a lot of fun!!!

Pictures from my day at the Park

Today we went to the park! We tried to go to Connemara, but it was closed... We decided to go to Breckingridge so we could play in the stream and run around. Here are some of the highlights from my day.

Me and daddy running across a big field

Me and daddy wading through a stream

Shaking off after a little swim

Me and daddy on the path

On the rocks at our secrect swimming hole

What a great day!

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Mylar is missing... again!

I'm really worried about Mylar. I know he's gone missing before, but this time he's been gone for weeks! We keep waiting for him to come by for breakfast and he never shows up. Mom is really upset and I'm afraid something terrible has happened! If anyone has seen him, please let me know ASAP... we really miss him!!!!!

Monday, September 10, 2007

New babies

Today two of our friends had babies!!! Brandon and Angie had baby Emma and Clint and Michelle had baby Addison!!! I can't wait to see them!!!

Monday, September 03, 2007

Holly Lake Ranch

This weekend we went to see our friends at Holly Lake Ranch and it was GREAT!!! Brandon and Angie have a house by the lake and I got to swim and play all day. I jumped off their dock and swam all afternoon. When everyone went to dinner I got to stay and play with Lili. We had so much fun! She likes to be chased so we ran around for hours. I hope we go back soon.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Download and print this flyer to post in your neighborhood and help us put a stop to dog fighting.

Let’s take this opportunity to come together and stamp out animal cruelty and abuse of all types. For more information or to help the SPCA of Texas in its mission to provide every animal exceptional care and a loving home, please visit or contact us at 214.742.SPCA (7722).

New laws to protect animals go in effect September 1

It was a great year for animals in the Texas legislature

Passed Legislation

Animal Cruelty: The House “concurred” with the Senate version of the animal cruelty bill (HB 2328, sponsored by State Rep. Beverly Woolley and State Sen. John Whitmire). Effective this September 1st, for the first time in Texas history, it will be a crime to:
  • commit acts of cruelty to stray and feral dogs and cats
  • “recklessly” commit cruelty to an animal (prosecutors will no longer have to prove that a person intended to commit cruelty)
  • kill or cause serious bodily injury to animals “in a cruel manner”—which is defined as “a manner that causes or permits unnecessary or unjustifiable pain or suffering” (it will no longer be necessary to prove “torture”)
  • fail to provide water to an animal in a person’s custody
A prosecutor must still prove “torture” in cases involving cruelty to “livestock animals” (horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, goats, etc.). However, “torture” is defined as “any act that causes unnecessary or unjustifiable pain or suffering.” This is the identical protection that was given to non-livestock animals! So, for the most part, the livestock vs. non-livestock protections are a distinction without a difference. This is a huge victory for horses. And, yes, horse tripping is still a crime.

Anti-Tethering: HB 1411, sponsored by State Rep. Buddy West, prohibits an owner from tethering a dog outside between the hours of 10 pm and 6 am and during extreme weather conditions. This bill is on its way to the governor’s desk.

Dog Fighting: HB 916, sponsored by State Rep. Jose Menendez and State Sen. Leticia Van de Putte, increases the penalty for dog fighting from a Class A misdemeanor to a state jail felony and increases the punishment for attending a dog fighting exhibition from a Class C misdemeanor to a Class A misdemeanor.

Training and Certification of Animal Control Officers: SB 1562, sponsored by State Sen. "Chuy" Hinojosa and State Rep. Phil King, provides for training and certification of animal control officers. This bill also increased the penalty for killing or seriously injuring a police service animal from a third degree felony to a second degree felony. This bill is on its way to the governor’s desk.

Natural Disasters and Pets: HB 88, sponsored by State Rep. Dan Branch, requires that companion animals and service animals be included in evacuation plans in the event of natural disasters.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Cat's Meow Spay/Neuter Special

SPCA of Texas offers discounted spay/neuter surgeries for cats

WHAT: The SPCA of Texas continues its ongoing campaign to stop pet overpopulation by offering spay/neuter services for cats at discounted prices the week of July 9-13 at the Dallas and McKinney clinics and July 10-14 at the Village Fair clinic. The spay/neuter special offers $20 spay and neuter surgeries for cats by appointment only.

As always, proof of vaccinations is required: For cats, rabies & FVRCP. Should your pet need vaccinations, each shot is $17.

WHY: If left intact, a companion animal can produce an unlimited number of offspring in his or her lifetime. Sadly, American shelters euthanize more than five million homeless dogs and cats every year, at a cost to taxpayers of more than $1 billion annually. Spaying and neutering lessens the chances of a pet developing cancer, reduces roaming tendencies and decreases the pet’s urge to mark its territory.

WHEN: Monday, July 9 through Friday, July 13 (Dallas, McKinney)Tuesday, July 10 through Saturday, July 14 (Village Fair)Cats must be in carriers.

WHERE: SPCA Martin Clinic, 362 S. Industrial Blvd., Dallas SPCA Village Fair Clinic, 4830 Village Fair Dr., DallasSPCA Perry Clinic, 8411 FM 720 (near Custer Road), McKinney
To schedule an appointment at any of the three clinics, call 214-742-SPCA (7722).

COST: $20 for neutering males or for spaying females. Vaccinations are $17 per each Rabies and combination shots for cats (Rhinotracheitis-Calici-Panleukopenia).

My Gator is gone

My Gator is GONE!!! I can't believe it... today while swimming at Grandma and Grandpa's Daddy accidently threw my gator over the fence and into the shrubs on the golf course. He didn't do it on purpose, but now my favorite toy is gone!!! We tried to find it but it fell down into the tall bushes on the other side of the fence. I can't believe it's gone!!! I can't swim without my favorite pool toy!!!

This is my only picture of us together... I hope if someone on the golf course finds him they'll throw him back over the fence. I can't stand the thought of someone finding him and then just throwing him in the trash. My poor gator!!! I really loved him!!!

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Happy Birthday Aunt Melony!!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

What to do about Rumba...

Mom and I are a little concerned about Rumba. She seems to be having some back problems... A couple of months ago we had to take her to the emergency clinic because she couldn't walk and was crying a lot. Of course she totally freaked out and the vet couldn't even examine her. Mom thinks she must have jumped down off the counter and hurt her back (she won't jump up on anything higher than a chair anymore). She's usually OK, but the other night it happened again. All of a sudden she was just crying and crying and she wouldn't let anyone touch her. It's very scary when that happens!!! I think we should take her to the vet, but I'm not sure how. When you try to take her she gets very upset and starts to hiss and snarl and snort. Hopefully, we'll come up with something, I don't like it when Rumba doesn't feel good...

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Hotel Palomar

We had a great time at the Palomar. The hotel is very nice and I really liked our room. It was a lot of fun getting to ride the elevator and walking down the halls (I wish we had carpet at home -- I like it better than wood). Mom and Dad said they were very proud of me for behaving so well. All the people that worked there were very nice to me. They even brought me a big pink and brown bed to sleep on. Mom said they have a doggie spa; I could have gotten a massage, but that sounded a little scary (I don't really like it when strangers touch me). We didn't bring Rumba because Dad didn't think cats were allowed. When we got there we found out that cats are allowed... but, I don't think Rumba would have liked it as much as me.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Hotel Palomar

Today we're going to the Hotel Palomar. Mom and Dad are spending the night and I get to go too! We were going to spend the night at the Four Season's but they only allow dogs that are smaller than beagles. The Hotel Palomar allows dogs of any size -- I'm very excited.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Sunday at Grandma & Grandpa's

This afternoon we went over for swimming at Grandma and Grandpa's. Mom and dad brought over some steaks and Grandpa cooked them on the grill. Aunt Melony and Mark came over too. We got out my gator and blew up the floaties! Usually I'm the only one who gets in the pool, but today everyone went swimming -- it was lots of fun. Next Sunday is Father's Day so hopefully we'll go over again. I love my Grandma and Grandpa, they're the BEST!

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Yearly check-up

This morning I had to go to the vet. I had to get more heartworm pills and it was time for my yearly check-up. My vet is really nice and I like him a lot. I don't mind getting my annual shots, but I have a very sensitive snout and I really hate the bordetella drops that they put in my nose. Mom also got more drops for my ears (I hate those too)! She has to use them after I go swimming or I get earaches... I guess I need them, but I sure don't like it.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Neuter Scooter II

SPCA of Texas Clinics Offers Cat Neuter Special June 12

WHAT: In an aggressive effort to curb pet overpopulation, the SPCA of Texas Village Fair spay/neuter clinic will be hosting “Neuter Scooter for a Nickel” for the second time this year. Held in conjunction with Spay Day USA, the SPCA invites cat owners to take advantage of this opportunity to have their male cats fixed for just five cents.

WHEN/WHERE: All three of the SPCA of Texas' clinics will neuter male cats for just a nickel on June 12. Cat owners must make an appointment and bring proof of vaccinations or vaccines (rabies and FVRCP) will be administered at an additional charge on the day of the appointment. All cats must be in carriers; no feral cats, please.
Appointments are required. To make an appointment at any of the three clinics listed below, call 214.742.SPCA(7722).

*Village Fair Spay/Neuter & Wellness Clinic, 4830 Village Fair Dr., Dallas, TX 75224
*Martin Spay/Neuter & Wellness Clinic, 362 S. Industrial Blvd., Dallas, TX 75207
*Perry Spay/Neuter & Wellness Clinic, 8411 Stacy Road, McKinney, TX 75070

Cat drop-offs at 7:30 a.m.; pick up at 3 p.m.

WHY: Spaying and neutering results in the prevention of millions of unwanted births. Neutering also reduces a cat's chances of developing testicular cancer, diminishes roaming tendencies and decreases the urge to mark territory by spraying. If left intact, two unaltered cats can produce more than 80 million cats over a 10-year period, and one male cat can sire an unlimited number of kittens in his lifetime.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

June is adodpt a shelter cat month!

I really like cats! I'm not sure why... but I do. I think every dog should have several feline friends. June is adopt a shelter cat month -- if you don't already have a cat, why not go out this weekend and adopt one that needs a home!

Another great day at The Petropolitan!

On Thursdays I go to The Petropolitan for "day care". I meet up with my friend Sam and we get to play all day. I get there about 8:30 and Sam comes in around 10:00. This morning while waiting for Sam, they tried to make me play with another dog I didn't know. It was pretty scary -- thankfully, they took the new dog to another play area. I'm sure he was really nice, but sometimes I get a little freaked out when I have to meet new dogs (especially if they're bigger than me). Sam finally got there and everything was fine. Everyone there is very nice and we have a fantastic time!

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Another great day at Grandma & Grandpa's

Today I finally got to go swimming at Grandma and Grandpa's! It's been raining for the last couple of weeks and I haven't been able to go over. Mom and dad went climbing in the morning, then we picked up some bar-b-que and headed over. I got to eat brisket and swim for hours, it was GREAT!!!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Some very sad news

Our friend Roxie had to put her cat, Socks, to sleep yesterday. He woke in the morning and had an aneurysm that forced a blood clot into the base of his spine. It was very sudden and unexpected. Roxie was very sad at work today so I had to give her a little extra love... I hope it helped, even if it was only a little bit.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Mylar - FOUND!

Yeah, Mylar is OK. We saw him on our walk this afternoon. I guess with all the storms and rain he's been hiding out trying to stay safe and dry. Hopefully the rain will hold off until after dinner -- there's a plate of rotisserie chicken in the refrigerator with his name on it!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Day at the Park

I just got back from the park. It wasn't the park we usually go to, but it was still fun. There weren't many people there -- I guess all the recent rain scared everyone away. We walked for a long time, it was great. The only thing missing was someplace to swim. The other park has a couple of lakes and a bunch of streams that I can run and swim in. I did find several big muddy puddles that helped me cool off during the walk back to our car. I'll give it 6 out of 10 paws up!

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Mylar is missing

I'm getting a little worried about Mylar. He's my friend and I haven't seen him in a few days. He doesn't really have a home, he just sort of roams around the neighborhood. He usually comes by in the morning before work and then at night when we get home. Mom feeds him rotisserie chicken and he usually never misses a meal. We've asked him to come and live with us, but I guess he likes being a single cat with no strings or commitments to tie him down. I'm always worried that the cat catcher will come and take him away or that something terrible will happen to him... I really miss him and hope he's OK. Here's his picture. If you see him, tell him we miss him and we have some chicken in the fridge.

Three days off!

It's so nice to have a three day weekend! Mom did all the house cleaning last night and finished the laundry today; Dad finished mowing and working in the yard -- that means that we have TWO WHOLE DAYS to do fun stuff. It's been raining a LOT, but hopefully it won't be too bad tomorrow. Dad said something about going to the park, I guess he forgot about all the mud (maybe he won't remember). Maybe we'll be able to go swimming at Grandma and Grandpa's too. They have a big house with a nice pool -- I LOVE TO SWIM!!!

My website is finally finished!!!