Monday, August 25, 2008

My Daddy was on TV tonight!

Today Channel 5 news came to my daddy's office to interview him. I was very excited when mom told me! Daddy got selected to be an Accredited Space Agent for Virgin Galactic and just got back from training in Las Vegas. He got to go to the Mojave Desert and see where the space ships will be housed. Virgin Galactic only chose 130 agents world wide so it's a pretty big deal. I think there are only 4 agents in all of Texas and as far as I know my Daddy is the only person in Dallas authorized to sell tickets. You can read about about it at

Friday, August 22, 2008

Only 30 days until Dog Day Afternoon at Hawaiian Falls

I'm so excited!!! On Sept. 20th mom said they'd take me to Dog Day Afternoon at Hawaiian Falls!!! I almost passed out when she told me. I haven't been able to sleep for days!!! I think this might be the best day of my life!!!
If you want to go, or if you want to find out more information you can go to the Operation Kindness website by clicking this link:

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sunday in the park

Grandma and grandpa are refinishing their pool so today we went to the park instead of swimming at their house. Breckinridge Park is really fun, but it gets very hot in the summer. We went in the morning so it would be cooler and I got in the stream when I started to feel hot. It's not as good as grandma's, but we still have fun when we go.

Me and daddy by the stream under the bridge

Me cooling off in the stream

I wanted to chase all the ducks, but mom wouldn't let me

Me looking over the big field