Sunday, October 28, 2007

Last swim day of the year

Today we went to grandma and grandpa's to celebrate Mom's birthday. I was really excited about getting to swim, but the water was pretty chilly. I think this was probably the last swim day of the year... I'm kind of sad, but I guess I'll just have to wait until spring :(
I did get to hang out with Buster, so that made up for my lack of time in the water. Sunbathing with a good friend can be fun too.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Halloween at Petropolitan

Sam and I went to Petropolitan today for a Halloween party. I was a mummy and Sam came dressed in his OU attire. We had a lot of fun!!!

Pictures from my day at the Park

Today we went to the park! We tried to go to Connemara, but it was closed... We decided to go to Breckingridge so we could play in the stream and run around. Here are some of the highlights from my day.

Me and daddy running across a big field

Me and daddy wading through a stream

Shaking off after a little swim

Me and daddy on the path

On the rocks at our secrect swimming hole

What a great day!

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Mylar is missing... again!

I'm really worried about Mylar. I know he's gone missing before, but this time he's been gone for weeks! We keep waiting for him to come by for breakfast and he never shows up. Mom is really upset and I'm afraid something terrible has happened! If anyone has seen him, please let me know ASAP... we really miss him!!!!!