Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Some very sad news

Our friend Roxie had to put her cat, Socks, to sleep yesterday. He woke in the morning and had an aneurysm that forced a blood clot into the base of his spine. It was very sudden and unexpected. Roxie was very sad at work today so I had to give her a little extra love... I hope it helped, even if it was only a little bit.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Mylar - FOUND!

Yeah, Mylar is OK. We saw him on our walk this afternoon. I guess with all the storms and rain he's been hiding out trying to stay safe and dry. Hopefully the rain will hold off until after dinner -- there's a plate of rotisserie chicken in the refrigerator with his name on it!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Day at the Park

I just got back from the park. It wasn't the park we usually go to, but it was still fun. There weren't many people there -- I guess all the recent rain scared everyone away. We walked for a long time, it was great. The only thing missing was someplace to swim. The other park has a couple of lakes and a bunch of streams that I can run and swim in. I did find several big muddy puddles that helped me cool off during the walk back to our car. I'll give it 6 out of 10 paws up!

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Mylar is missing

I'm getting a little worried about Mylar. He's my friend and I haven't seen him in a few days. He doesn't really have a home, he just sort of roams around the neighborhood. He usually comes by in the morning before work and then at night when we get home. Mom feeds him rotisserie chicken and he usually never misses a meal. We've asked him to come and live with us, but I guess he likes being a single cat with no strings or commitments to tie him down. I'm always worried that the cat catcher will come and take him away or that something terrible will happen to him... I really miss him and hope he's OK. Here's his picture. If you see him, tell him we miss him and we have some chicken in the fridge.

Three days off!

It's so nice to have a three day weekend! Mom did all the house cleaning last night and finished the laundry today; Dad finished mowing and working in the yard -- that means that we have TWO WHOLE DAYS to do fun stuff. It's been raining a LOT, but hopefully it won't be too bad tomorrow. Dad said something about going to the park, I guess he forgot about all the mud (maybe he won't remember). Maybe we'll be able to go swimming at Grandma and Grandpa's too. They have a big house with a nice pool -- I LOVE TO SWIM!!!

My website is finally finished!!!